The Hare Line is tentative and changes are definitely anticipated. Hares to advise on their co-hares. It would be appreciated if all Hares scheduled keep the Hare Raiser and the GM informed of any rain-checks expected.
f you wish to communicate a request to hare a run in 2023-24, please send an e-mail to the Hare Raiser
The Hares cash incentives remain unchanged there will be no Hash Tax as in the past, therefore a FREE RUN.
Hash Snacks will no longer be provided other than at the GM's discretion on special occasions.
f you wish to communicate a request to hare a run in 2023-24, please send an e-mail to the Hare Raiser
The Hares cash incentives remain unchanged there will be no Hash Tax as in the past, therefore a FREE RUN.
Hash Snacks will no longer be provided other than at the GM's discretion on special occasions.