The signs to the carpark were very good. Thirty people attended including Lilian Moens, a virgin from Belgium, Paulus, from Lithuania and Andrea, from the Philippines who both work in Myanmar. The run started well through some nice countryside with good views. The front runners were held up at the speed bump, paper was a little scarce so the pack bunched up as the searchers looked for the trail. More beautiful country on the other side of the speed bump led the pack past a garbage dump, here was possibly so much paper rubbish that many of the runners failed to follow the correct trail and shortcutted to the finish. The last one home was Hugs, he completed the whole of the runners trail, but arrived at the circle just as it was ending. He was awarded with a late downdown. A good day was had by all.
Photos by Screwdriver - for best effect click on first photo then F11 for full screen
Photos by Cathusalem - ditto
GPS scan by Hugs
The runners trail for me was 7.56km and I got back just before sunset.
So much for Cathusalem's estimated 4.5km for walkers and 5.5km for runners!
I didn't find any false trails but I did overshoot the Merge sign as I imagine most runners would have as it wasn't easy to spot (but easy to see for the walkers).
The walkers trail was about 4.99km and the lonely runners loop about 2.4km.
And especially for BBs information the trail went anti-clockwise!
Well done the Hares. A wee cheeky trail with subtle quirkiness.
On After