Arriving at the car park surrounded by a vista of hills, it was hard to believe it was going to be the flat trail that Mudman had described. It seemed more likely he'd followed the hash tradition where hares lie through their teeth. It got slightly upgraded to undulating in Mudman and Muddy Joe's pre-trail double act telling us much more than your average hare does. Amazingly, they didn't lie and there were only a few stretches of uphill. So the hares got a heap of praise in the circle and Yanky Crank was welcomed as proceedings zipped through fast under Pussy Peddler until Cathusalem stepped forward. "You're not leaving, are you?" and "He's only in there for a beer" were heard and perhaps a silent "Thank God, no more boring circles" but Tinks confirmed that Cathusalem was entitled to a beer even though he's only going to be away two weeks. Bent Banana got a down-down as next weeks hare to close the circle.
Photos by Cathusalem - for best effect click on first photo then F11 for full screen
Video by Muddy Joe
GPS scan by Tinks
The run (Rambo) trail set by Mudman & Muddy Joe completed by me was 9.1 km and took me 97:12 min
Elevation: Min 24 m, Max 77 m, Gain 160 m, Loss 160 m
Slope: Assent 17.4%, Decent 20.3%
Start to SW Split: 1.7 km in 23:10 min. including part of the 2 false trails.
Start to R/W Split: 3.6 km in 41:42 min.
R/W Split to Finish: 5.6 km in 55:30 min
Unable to give SW and LW distances as I did not see any of the merge points.
Trails went anti-clockwise
On After