LOCATION: Sunny Valley - Black Mountain
HARES: Pedalphile & Virgin Steve
Hairy Punt, today's acting G M was cogniscent of the impending drought and called a timely Circle to Down Down the Hares, Pedalphile and Virgin Steve. These same two recalcitrants were then DownDowned again for some nebulous offence, probably substance abuse as it semed to centre round an aerosol ( I do hope I have spelt that correctly otherwise I could be taken to task by a considerable number of Hashers). DownDowns proceeded apace - Ploddaphile for her catering triumph, and a multinational collection of Virgins who seemed to have mixed feelings about the whole performance. The Hash Pig, Pick, Lick Roll and Flick astonished himself and many others by imposing order and comparative quiet on the milling masses as the Down Downs continued. There now followed a string of returners including the redoubtable Forest Dump and Viagra Falls, and they in turn were followed by a solitary leaver - SODOMY - whose imminent departure was acclaimed universally and noisily despite Pick,Lick,Roll and Flick's stentorian efforts to restore decorum. In the aftermath of Sodomy's raucous send-off things tailed off to an anti-climax especially when the Hares' prophesy of worse things ahead came true with the complete elimination of the Leo and Hairy Punt showed the soft sympathetic side of his surly nature by closing the Circle and allowing the adherents of Alcoholics Unanimous to seek the solace of the Thai Kitchen. At this revered venue a generous helping of Hashers dissported themselves spiritedly and loquaciously as they satisfied their voracious appetites.
Scotch Tape