Photos by Cathusalem - recommend click on first photo then F11 for full screen
Video by Muddy Joe
GPS scan of trail as laid by Hugmanannygoat
GPS scan of trail as run by Tinks (also shown above) commentary below
Today’s Rambo's (Runners) trail for me was 7.3 km in 85:59 min.
Elevation - Min 27 m Max 84 m, Gain/Loss 111 m.
Max slope - Ascent 18.6%, Descent 19.3%.
Route went clockwise
Start to Split: 2.8 km in 36.50:57
Split to Merge: 2.2 km in 25:07 min
Merge to Finish: 2.2 km in 24:02 min
Walk: 5.4 km approximately