Photos by Mudlady - recommend click on first photo then F11 for full screen
Photos by Cathusalem - ditto
GPS scan by Tinks
Hash Run (Rambo) trail set by Paddy Red Belly and Rubber Duck for me was 5.2 km and took 60:45 min.
Elevation: Min 32 m, Max 39 m, Gain 30 m, Loss 30 m, a fairly flat trail.
Slope: Assent 3.7%, Decent 3.5%
Start to SW Split 1: 1.3 km in 10:55 min.
SW Split 1 to SW Merge: 1.2 km in 14:14 min.
SW Merge to SW Split 2: 0.224 km in 2:42 min.
SW Split 2 to R/W Split: 0.429 km in 6:44 min.
R/W Split to R/W Merge: 0.267 km in 3:08 min.
R/W Merge to Finish: 1.8 km in 23:02 min.
The Yellow Pins identify the long walk /Short Walk Split and Long Walk exit point from the wooded area shortly before merging with the Rambo trail.