Photos by Cathusalem - recommend click on first photo then F11 for full screen
Photos by Biggus Dickus - ditto
Photos by Rubber Duck - ditto
GPS scan by Tinks
H2H3 Rambo trail set by Bent Banana & Brambles Bill for me was 7.0 km and took 81:21 min.
Elevation: Min 25 m, Max 91 m, Gain/Loss 108 m.
Slope: Assent 24.7%, Decent 28.6%
Start to RW Split: 3.4 km in 37:54 min.
RW Split to RW Merge: 1.7 km in 24:31 min.
RW Merge to Finish: 1.9 km in 19:56 min.
Walkers Trail 5.4 km approx.
Trails went anti-clockwise